day in the life

In My Shoes

A Day in the Life Post

I decided to take a series of photos that depict a typical day in my life. Nothing too fancy or exciting, just a few photos from a different angle that I thought would be fun. 

I start my mornings off by feeding my cats and drinking some coffee. I do a quick scroll through Facebook and check my emails. Then get ready for work. I don’t have any photos of me at work, just before and after.

Galileo and Me Looking out the back door.
Going to work. Got my work shoes, and my work bag with my book and lunch.

After Work:
Every day after work, the first thing I do when I get home is feed the cats of course. Then I go out and water the garden. Some days I go to the gym or my barre class, other days I stay home and cook dinner. Gym days really depend on how busy the work day was, some days I stay home and do yoga instead.

Watering the garden. Standing next to my baby pumpkin.
Ready to go to the gym and go for a nice run.
In the kitchen preparing dinner.

So there it is. My day in a nutshell. Nothing too exciting but it was kind of fun taking these photos from a different angle.



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